Marketing for the public sector

Municipalities and government bodies organize events of all kinds and sizes. Naturally, you want to attract the right visitors to these events. A robust online marketing strategy is essential for this purpose. Due to evolving regulations in areas such as privacy and the rapid changes in online marketing, organizations find it challenging to keep up with these developments. Boest supports various institutions such as the Trimbos Institute, TNO, and the Municipality of Amsterdam with online advertising.

What is event advertising
for the public sector?

Event advertising is the (online) promotion of your event. Using social media and other channels, we create additional awareness, registrations, and/or visitors for your event. By implementing cross-media advertisements, you reach your target audience wherever they are.

From YouTube to Facebook and from Instagram to Google, we ensure that we reach your target audience on all platforms. Additionally, with event advertising, you have the perfect means to analyze the success (and ROI) of your marketing activities.

Have a look

Electric Fireworks Amsterdam. The 1,400 lights and music provided a phenomenal show and a special ushering in of 2023. Boest enjoyed being part of this challenge.

Since February 2022, we have been taking care of the entire online marketing with Boest. With results! In one year, a turnover growth of +500% and a Return On Ad Spend of 45.
